Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Definition and Examples of Vocal Fry (or Creaky Voice)

Definition and Examples of Vocal Fry (or Creaky Voice) In speech, the term vocal fry refers to  a low, scratchy sound that occupies the vocal range below modal voice (the most commonly used vocal register in speech and singing). Also known as vocal fry register, creaky voice, pulse register, laryngealization, glottal rattle, and glottal fry.   Linguist Susan J. Behrens describes vocal fry as a type of phonation (vocal fold vibration) whereby the vocal folds start to slow down and beat irregularly before closing, toward the end of an utterance. This behavior causes a  rough voice quality, a lowered  voice pitch, and sometimes a slower rate of speech. All contribute to make a speakers voice sound creaky or raspy (Understanding Language Use in the Classroom,  2014). Examples and Observations Creaky voice involves a raspy quality of voice produced by reducing the amount of air passing through the vocal cords, which results in a non-pure or non-clear tone. It . . . carries a pragmatic meaning, often signalling the end of a turn, and is associated with younger female speech . . ..(Sandra Clarke, Newfoundland and Labrador English. Edinburgh University Press, 2010)Is your little princess sounding more like a frog? Speaking in a croaky voice, officially called vocal fry, has become normal among young women, new research published in the Journal of Voice finds. (Say Whaaat as if youre suffering from a very sore throat and youve got the sound.) But regularly talking this way could cause long-term vocal cord damage. Which means these women could end up not saying much at all.  (Leslie Quander Wooldridge, Croak Addicts. AARP Magazine, April/May 2012) Vocal Wrongness? The most recent trend in vocal wrongness is called vocal fry. Vocal fry is created when someone slips into a lower tone, usually at the end of a sentence, and this tone has a fried or creaky quality. Britney Spears and Kim Kardashian are infamous for this way of speaking, but research indicates men tend to speak with this raspy flaw as well. And vocal fry is on the rise, with two-thirds of college students in one study displaying it. The problem with using it is it conveys a sense that youre not confident, or in some cases, sure of what you are saying.  (Lee Thornton, Youre Doing It Wrong!. Adams Media, 2012) Young Women and Vocal Fry A classic example of vocal fry, best described as a raspy or croaking sound injected (usually) at the end of a sentence, can be heard when Mae West says, Why don’t you come up sometime and see me, or, more recently on television, when Maya Rudolph mimics Maya Angelou on Saturday Night Live.[L]inguists ... cautioned against forming negative judgments.If women do something like uptalk or vocal fry, it’s immediately interpreted as insecure, emotional or even stupid, said Carmen Fought, a professor of linguistics at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif. The truth is this: Young women take linguistic features and use them as power tools for building relationships. ... It’s generally pretty well known that if you identify a sound change in progress, then young people will be leading old people, said Mark Liberman, a linguist at the University of Pennsylvania, and women tend to be maybe half a generation ahead of males on average. ... So what does the use of vocal fry denote? Like uptalk, women use it for a variety of purposes. Ikuko Patricia Yuasa, a lecturer in linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, called it a natural result of women’s lowering their voices to sound more authoritative.It can also be used to communicate disinterest, something teenage girls are notoriously fond of doing.(Douglas Quenqua, They’re, Like, Way Ahead of the Linguistic Currrrve. The New York Times, February 27, 2012) Vocal Fry and Meaning [V]oice quality changes contribute to meaning at many ... linguistic levels. Creaky voice (or vocal fry) often signals prominence within a sentence, the presence of linguistic boundaries like ends of sentences, or major changes of topic...  (Jody Kreiman and Diana Sidtis, Foundations of Voice Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Voice Production and Perception. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) Creaky Voice Like breathy voice, creaky voice is also used as both a tool for age, gender, and social distinction, and for phonological contrast with some of the worlds languages.There is a minimum fundamental frequency below which modal voicing can no longer continueusually about a quarter of a persons average speaking fundamental. At this point the nature of phonation changes and the speaker begins to use creaky voice, also known as laryngealization or vocal fry. The term stiff voice has also been applied to a variety of phenomena that partially resemble creaky voice. In creaky voice, the vocal folds are very shortened and slackened to maximize their mass per unit length, and the IA muscles are contracted to draw the arytenoid cartilages together. This action allows the vocal folds to stay together for a much longer part of the phonation cycle than in modal voicing . . ., only allowing a tiny burst of air to escape between long closure periods.  (Bryan Gick, Ian Wilson, and Donald Derrick, Ar ticulatory Phonetics. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012) The Great Unnamed [W]e have no shared public language through which to speak about the voice or sound, in contrast to the wide vocabulary that weve developed for visual images. Sounds are still part of the great unnamed. Back in 1833 the American physician, James Rush, tried to identify different kinds of voiceswhispering, natural, falsetto, orotund, harsh, rough, smooth, full, thin, slender. By the 1970s phoneticians hadnt moved much beyond Rush in naming different types of voice. The terms they had come up withlike whispery voice, harsh voice, creaky voice, tense or lax voicewere never taken up by the public. Neither was more specialist terminology, like vocal fry, jitter, or shimmer, words which anyway have no agreed definition. Were in a state of terminological disarray, and few of us are able to describe the voice in words that arent either impressionistic or ambiguous.  (Anne Karpf, The Human Voice: The Story of a Remarkable Talent. Bloomsbury, 2006)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Writing an IEP, An Individual Education Program

Writing an IEP, An Individual Education Program The individual education program- more generally known as an IEP- is s a written plan that describes the program(s) and special services a student requires to be successful. It is a plan that ensures that proper programming is in place to help the student with special needs to be successful at school.   If students with special needs are to achieve the academic curriculum or an alternative curriculum to the best of their ability and as independently as possible, the professionals involved in the delivery of their programming must have a plan in place. When writing an IEP, you need to include specific elements to satisfy legal requirements and to provide the best educational plan possible for the student. Elements of the IEP The IEP must contain  the students  present level of educational performance, the  results of any evaluations and tests,  special education and related services  to be provided,  accommodations and modifications to be provided for the student, supplementary aids and services, annual goals for the student, including how they will be tracked and measured, an explanation of how the student will participate in general education classes (the least restrictive environment), and the date the IEP will go into effect, as well as a transportation plan and extended school year services if applicable. IEP Goals The IEP goals should be developed with the following criteria: specificrealisticattainablemeasurablechallenging Before setting goals the team must first determine the present level of performance using various assessment tools, the needs must be clearly and specifically defined. When determining IEP goals consider the students classroom placement, is the student in the least hindering environment. Do the goals coordinate with the regular classroom activities and schedules and do they follow the general curriculum? After the goals have been identified, it is then stated how the team will help the student to achieve the goals, this is referred to as the measurable part of the goals. Each goal must have a clearly stated objective for how, where and when each task will be implemented. Define and list any adaptations, aides or supportive techniques that may be required to encourage success. Clearly explain how progress will be monitored and measured. Be specific about time frames for each objective. Expect goals to be achieved at the end of an academic year. Objectives are skills required to achieve the desired goal, objectives should be accomplished in shorter intervals. Team Members: IEP team members are parents of the student, special education teacher, classroom teacher, support workers, and outside agencies involved with the individual. Each member of the team plays a vital role in the development of a successful IEP. Education Program Plans can become overwhelming and unrealistic. A good rule of thumb is to set one goal for each academic strand. This enables the teams manageability and accountability to ensure that resources are available to help the individual achieve the desired goals. If the student IEP meets all of the students needs and is focused on skills for success, results and outcomes, the student with special needs will have every opportunity for academic achievement no matter how challenging their needs may be. Example of an IEP John Doe is a 12-year-old boy presently placed in a regular grade 6 classroom with special education support. John Doe is identified as ‘Multiple Exceptionalities’. A Pediatric assessment determined that John meets criteria for Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Johns anti-social, aggressive behavior, prevent him from achieving academic success. General Accommodations: Supervision for Non-Instructional TimeAttention/Focusing CuesSpecial Arrangements for Arrival/DepartureUse of Preferred Learning StyleSmall Group InstructionIn-Class Peer Tutor AssistanceReview, Retest, Re-EvaluateReduce Visual or Auditory DistractionsScribing or Oral ReportingLength of Time for Assessments/Assignments Annual Goal: John will work towards controlling compulsive and impulsive behavior, which negatively affects the learning of self and others. He will work towards interacting and responding to others in a positive way. Behavior Expectations: Develop skills to manage anger and resolve conflict appropriately. Develop skills to accept responsibility for self. Demonstrate dignity and respect for self and others. Develop a foundation for healthy relationships with peers and adults. Develop a positive self-image. Strategies and Accommodations Encourage John to verbalize his feelings. Modeling, role play, rewards, consequences using the assertive discipline approach. One-to-one teaching as required, one-to-one Educational Assistant support as required and relaxation exercises. Direct teaching of social skills, acknowledge and encourage acceptable behavior. Establish and use  consistent classroom routine, prepare for transitions well in advance. Keep as predictable a schedule as possible. Make use of computer technology where possible, and ensure John feels he is a valued member of the class. Always relate classroom activities to timetable and agenda. Resources/frequency/location Resources:  Classroom Teacher, Education Assistant, Integrations Resource Teacher. Frequency: daily as required. Location:  regular classroom, withdraw to  resource room  as required. Comments:  A program of expected behaviors and consequences will be established. Rewards for expected behavior will be given at the end of an agreed upon time interval. Negative behavior will not be acknowledged in this tracking format but will be identified to John and to home through a communication agenda.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Downloading (Piracy) files, Music, movies etc. is immoral or wrong Essay

Downloading (Piracy) files, Music, movies etc. is immoral or wrong - Essay Example File – sharers distribute material free of cost to others (Piracy). However, their activity is classified as piracy and it is illegal. It is only the copyright owners who have the sole right to sell or distribute their copyrighted material. This right is infringed when such material is exchanged freely. As such, it is an act of piracy; because, such free exchange prevents copyright owners from regulating the sale and distribution of their copyrighted material (Piracy). Consequently, piracy is immoral. Software piracy is increasing at a more rapid pace than the growth of the software industry. Piracy is unethical and equivalent to stealing a commodity from a shop. (Legal, Ethical & Social Issues). The only difference is that shoplifters are arrested and punished immediately, whereas pirates are never arrested. The new breed of pirates on the Internet use a technology called file – sharing technology. They justify their actions, by stating that they do not distribute pirated software for making profits or for acquiring any financial advantage. Consequently, they claim that they should not be termed pirates or subjected to punishment (Legal, Ethical & Social Issues). They argue that they distribute copyrighted software free; which makes it very difficult, to prosecute and punish them under the provisions of law. File – sharers distribute music files to other members. There are several tools on the Internet such as Kazaa, Grokster, and Gnutella, which are file – sharing programs. The music is distributed in the MP3 format. With the introduction of broadband, the internet gained speed and bandwidth. This has permitted file - sharers to distribute movies and television programs (Piracy). File sharing has become a commonly practiced form of piracy on the Internet. It is illegal and subject to prosecution on charges of infringement of copyright. Pirated software is

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Research project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Research project - Essay Example Thus, the environment prevailing in the clubs is a huge concern to the owners which is why they have laid emphasis on the security of their customers. Therefore, hiring of employees to manage people is an important issue for the owners. The hired employees should be capable of effectively handling and maintaining pleasant atmosphere in and around the night clubs. The Information Technology (IT) environment consists of various activities which are expected to provide solutions to the numerous concerns that arise from the technological activities. The technicians are expected to be experts and possess ample knowledge regarding different business problems that use the IT technicalities. Moreover, preferences are given to young talents as efficiency and hardworking efforts are more likely to be generated by the younger generation. For the convenience of business professionals, IT has been introduced in almost all the sectors, such as finance, military, sales and marketing and engineering among others. Thus, the experts at times need to play various roles at different levels such as inventors and innovators, mediators, leaders and negotiators and even security agents (Microsoft, 2012). Apart from these, the IT department has taken up initiatives to engage in research and distribution actions that will improve the awareness towards environmental issues and sustainability. Aim and Objectives of the Research Due to the changing nature of the world as a result of modernisation, it has become essential for clubs to have the latest security systems that will monitor every activity of the customers. Therefore, the research will help to identify the security areas that are being assisted by the utilisation of information technology. Furthermore, any drawbacks or modification to the information systems will be assessed. The research will provide a detailed picture of how club owners are focusing on using of technological systems to ensure customer safety. Scope of the Resear ch Crowd violence and other assaults occurring in night clubs have been making news across the world. It is rapidly growing as the young generation has considered it to be a latest fashion to party up to late nights at clubs. Thus, the security of the customers is considered as one of the major issues for the owners. Though the owners recruit effective bouncers, it has been noted that few of them use their physical strength to control misbehaving crowd. A general rule suggests that bouncers are only allowed to use their hands for self-defence and take custody of any person who needs to be arrested. However, this is not always followed by the bouncers as at times they are not capable of resisting their anger and thus, involve in a fight with the customer. Therefore, the research will enable to evaluate the security systems that monitor the activities of the customers as well as the bouncers. It will help the owners to identify the actual offender behind the quarrel. Moreover, the sys tems will be compared with the modern innovations which will meet the security standards of the club. Furthermore, the improvement of customer safety and effective measures required for obtaining the safety standards will be

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Critical Thinking in 21st Century America Essay Example for Free

Critical Thinking in 21st Century America Essay The intellectual roots of critical thinking date back to the teachings of Socrates, who discovered a method of analytical questioning; known today as â€Å"Socratic questioning,† establishing that one could not rationally justify their assured claims to knowledge. Socrates established that people cannot depend upon those in authority to have sound knowledge and insight. He demonstrated that individuals may have power and high position and yet be deeply confused and irrational. He established the importance of asking questions and thinking deeply before we accept an idea as worthy of belief. Socrates stressed the significance of seeking evidence, closely examining reasoning and assumptions, analyzing basic concepts, and tracing out implications not only of what is said but of what is done. This, I believe, is essential to living a successful and knowledgeable life; question everything and everyone. I strongly agree with Socrates’ idea that we cannot depend upon an individual of higher power to have all-encompassing knowledge and insight solely based on their status. The use of certain words, in just the right way, is enough to make some individuals believe just about anything; most successful lawyers have built their entire careers simply by knowing what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. Although I feel that critical thinking is a necessity throughout life, along with analyzing and questioning everything; I also feel that it is not something that is simply learned. Today, in our contemporary 21st century American society, we are certainly allowed to be and/or trained to be critical thinkers, but it is only certain individuals who will use critical thought to its highest ability to expand their knowledge and open up the mind. These individuals, sometimes rare, have the ability to reflectively question common beliefs and justifications, and use this to carefully distinguish those beliefs that are reasonable and logical from those which lack acceptable evidence or rational foundation to justify a certain belief. Socrates’ practice was followed by many great critical thinkers, such as Plato, Aristotle, and the Greek skeptics, all of whom emphasized that things are often very different from what they appear to be and that only the trained mind is prepared to see through the way things look to us on the surface, misleading appearances, to the way they really are beneath the surface, the deeper realities of life. Critical thinking, amongst many other definitions, is the ability to understand and apply, to infer and to meaningfully investigate given information; the skills needed to see equivalents, comprehend connections, identify problems, and develop justifiable explanations. It identifies bias, and a bias is not necessarily bad; it is simply a preferred way of looking at things. However, critical thinking does not necessarily benefit everyone; it can alter relationships, change attitudes, and cause family and friends to part ways. In light of our readings, many of the individuals we have discussed stress the need for a critical society, but additionally stress that it is not always beneficial, especially for those susceptible to nonsense. John Stuart Mill feared conformism among society as a whole, he saw this as a uniformity which enforced narrow-minded views and illogical rules on those individuals more open-minded and educated. A few years back while researching religion for a paper, I came across Mill’s idea of â€Å"hell belief,† where he argues that the belief in hell is made inconsistently both strong and weak by a total system failure in critical thinking; that hell belief is incompatible with the belief that God is good. He explains that the same mind set that enables them to accept a theory involving these contradictions prevents them from seeing the logical consequences of the theory. Mill’s ideas of â€Å"hell belief† are very similar to those of my own. Many, if not most, people are introduced and expected to abide by a certain religion by the time they speak their first words. Naturally, more often than not, religion and religious values are the first thing that many are taught; however religion allows little, or no room, for critical thinking. Many people carry their religious beliefs and values throughout life, where critical thinkers challenge and question it; they find the stuff that doesn’t quite make sense and demand to know where the logic lies and why exactly they’re supposed to life by these ideas. In Mill’s ideas, people come to believe in it and manage to stay sane about it for the same reason, a lack of critical thinking. In our readings, we see that Bertrand Russell emphasizes the importance of open and free analysis, and the critical need to create education systems that raise open-minded pursuit of knowledge and cautions the dangers inherent in rigid ideologies. I agree with Russell and believe that children should be taught to think critically as soon as they start their education because as adults it is almost impossible to learn, it is not simply a skill you can up and decide you want to possess. If more schools implemented a system that encourages children to keep an open mind and consistently put certain ideas and theories to the test, they would be better prepared for future education, encouraged to socialize with their peers even if they’re not from the same religious or ethnic background, and overall be well prepared for life itself; the habit of questioning everything leads to the development of well-rounded knowledge. When referencing the answers that many of us strive for, Russell explains that if philosophy cannot answer all of our questions, it at least holds the power of asking questions which increase the interest of the world, and show the strangeness and phenomenon lying just below the surface even in the simplest things of everyday life. He identifies a need for a theory of knowledge that will merge what appears to be from what really is, as well as the importance to practice knowledge responsibly. Russell explains to us that in order to make statements or hold beliefs about knowledge, we must be able to substantiate that our knowledge is accurate to reality. Although uncertainty and doubt are Descartes enemy, he wanted to use doubt as a tool or weapon to combat uncertainty. What, if anything, could not be doubted after subjecting all of his knowledge to the acid wash of doubt. The one thing that Descartes concluded could not be doubted was that he was doubting. There has to be an â€Å"I† who is thinking. Descartes famous dictum, Cogito Ergo Sum, means â€Å"I think therefore I am†.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Evita Peron Essay -- essays research papers

Evita Peron In 1949 the most familiar scene in Argentina was the one played out almost daily at the Ministry of Labor in Buenos Aires. There, under the glare of camera lights, a former radio star and movie actress, now the most powerful woman in South America, would enter her office past a crush of adoring, impoverished women and children. Evita Peron, the wife of President Juan Peron, would sit at her desk and begin one of the great rituals of Peronism, the political movement she and her husband created. It was a pageant that sustained them in power. She would patiently listen to the stories of the poor, then reach into her desk to pull out some money. Or she would turn to a minister and ask that a house be built. She would caress filthy children. She would kiss lepers, just as the saints had done. To many Argentines, Evita Peron was a flesh-and- blood saint; later, 40,000 of them would write to the pope attesting to her miracles. She was born on May 7, 1919, in Los Toldos, and baptized Maria Eva, but everyone called her Evita. Her father abandoned the family shortly after her birth. Fifteen years of poverty followed and, in early 1935, the young Evita fled her stifling existence to go to Buenos Aires. Perhaps, as some have said, she fell in love with a tango singer who was passing through. She wanted to be an actress, and in the next few years supported herself with bit parts, photo sessions for titillating magazines and stints as an attractive judge of tango competitions. She began frequenting the offices of a movie magazine, talking herself up for mention in its pages. When, in 1939, she was hired as an actress in a radio company, she discovered a talent for playing heroines in the fantasy world of radio soap opera. This was a period of political uncertainty in Argentina, yet few people were prepared for the military coup that took place in June 1943. Among the many measures instituted by the new government was the censorship of radio soap operas. Quickly adapting to the new environment, Evita approached the officer in charge of allocating airtime, Colonel Anibal Imbert. She seduced him, and Imbert approved a new project Evita had in mind, a radio series called Heroines of History. Years later, people would say that Evita had been... ...cancer had spread. In June 1952, Peron's congress named Evita the Spiritual Leader of the Nation. Her own final contribution to that deification came in her will, in which she wrote that she wanted "the poor, the old, the children, and the workers to continue writing to me as they did in my lifetime." She died on July 26, 1952, at the age of 33. A specialist was brought in to embalm the body and make it "definitively incorruptible." Evita's body lay in state for 13 days-and even then the crowds showed no sign of diminishing. In the decades that followed, Peronism continued to occupy a place in Argentine political life, taking the form mainly of anti-government terrorism. In 1971, after a number of demands by terrorists, the Argentine government agreed to return Evita's body. It was shipped to Peron in Spain. That year, Peron was allowed to return to Argentina; two years later he was president again. He died in office, and it was his wife and successor, Isabel, who brought Evita's body back to Argentina, in the hope that the aura of a saint would again dazzle the public.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Different Approaches to Romantic Poetry Essay

1- Introduction For passion or profession, for hobby or obligation, for delight or duty, for this reason or another, one takes his pen and devotes few minutes he steals from time to trace expressive words on paper. I am among many, in ruptures about literature and this study day comes as a golden opportunity to show how much my fancy is caught and how far my love is increased when the heart excitingly beats and the feeling increasingly grow, to ask the self to enjoy a travel by means of distinct words along the path of different ideas for the sake of a visit to some parts of poetical world. Two enquiries draw our attention: which approach to adopt to clear up an idea in mind about this or that line from a poem mostly sounding melodious nevertheless its grasping is a difficult experience that represents a real challenge for most of us?, the second is that criticism with all its schools and theories is a helpful tool to manage in a way or another interpretation and then appreciation of the piece of poetry; but does it with all its complexities dull the meaning, and obstruct any attempt to get it. If so, it gives a tedious attempt to elucidate clumsy verses and anything that is unclear is involuntarily unlovable and of course unrewarding. 2- Poetry and Criticism  It is almost admitted that the poem is an elevated thought expressed in a beautiful way to rouse the emotion and mind of the reader, listener or the poet himself. However it is not usually easy to define a poem if you link any perception of it to Criticism Traditionalists for example do not recognize the talent of any poet unless he can have the capacity to visualize any particularity as universal, any specific to more general and any momentary to eternal; besides he has to have the art to transmit the message of his poem intelligibly to others arousing by that their emotions and stirring up their minds. Joseph Conrad once said that his task through the power of the written word is â€Å"to make you hear, to make you feel, it is above all to make you see† (Christopher Gillie: 38) William Wordsworth from his part insists in  preface of Lyrical Ballads on poets to visualize life more than critics because â€Å"it is the honourable characteristic of Poetry that its materials are to be found in every subject which can interest the human mind. The evidence of his fact is to be sought, not in the writings of Critics, but in those of Poets themselves†. On the other hand, Mathews Arnold disagrees with Wordsworth in the Function of Criticism at the Present Time (1865) when he says â€Å"almost the last thing for which one would come to English literature is just that very thing which now Europe most desires—criticism† The approach in this school focuses mostly on traditional elements such as: diction, sound, imagery, rhetoric, rhythm, genre, stanza, and sentence structure all form organic unity for ,aesthetic purposes and an independent entity sharing relationship with real life and poems may seem transcendental going beyond any expectations. Furthermore this approach insists that poetry is an aesthetic representation of life according to social needs because it is not a private pleasure since it induces in us a response up to the circumstances of the world Modernists rather exclude poetry from being a representation of reality and that is out of social purpose and then detached from historical context because poems are only fiction and uncommon to what is exact and sensible. Henceforward, modernism did not develop traditional poetry but was instead characterized by a deviation from the norms, a rejection of the past, an anti realism using myth, a rejection of conventional plot and a support to individualism and intellectualism, and so writing poetry is cerebral than emotional and it is a work that is open ended and searches to pose questions rather than answering them. All of E.Pound: Hugh Selwyn Mauberly and T.S.Eliot: the waste Land, and W.Stevens: Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Black Bird are good examples of these characteristics. Post modernists from their part gives great importance to the reader response and only for him can the final say of interpretation be referred, Walter Slatoff in his book â€Å"with respect to readers† thinks that no one can deny the effective existence of reader and reading even those who insist on the autonomy of the literary work. (R.Wellek/A.Warren:145). Some views insist on good reading as a quality that â€Å" has nothing necessarily to do with something one writes or says or anything else one does apart from reading† (G.Strickland:6) Post modernists also claim that poems are complex but they create a pattern out of that chaos, that they are trivial and  disheartening but clever pieces and original. Schools of Criticism They are cited as follows âÅ"“ Traditional: it gives information about the writer and his time in order to broaden understanding and meaning. âÅ"“ New Criticism: it highlights the lyric, it detaches the poem from biography or history and directly moves to analysis of diction, imagery, meaning of unfamiliar words âÅ"“ Rhetorical: it focuses the art of persuasion through different arguments, truth evidence. In order to understand the content with great appeal to the reader âÅ"“ Stylistic: great importance is given to the peculiarities of diction and imagery âÅ"“ Metaphorical: a deeper interest to metaphor as part of meaning âÅ"“ Structuralist: clarity is drawn from sociology and anthropology that represent important factors in a given society âÅ"“ Post structuralist: evading organic unity and interdependence âÅ"“ Myth theory: it derives from Northrop Frye placing the poem to categories and sub categories up to the hero’s myth, fall, and enemies âÅ"“ Freudian: a sexual imagery is concerned, struggle for the superego. Oedipus complex âÅ"“ Jungian: recurring poetic images, symbols and imagery as related to patterns from life âÅ"“ Historical: historical context and data are concerned âÅ"“ Biographical: the writer’s psychology and biographic data are concerned âÅ"“ Sociological: include society and social factors in a poem âÅ"“ Political: the different political movements the poet supports âÅ"“ Marxist: a political correctness .i.e. to assess the poem according to the support for workers against capitalist’s exploitation âÅ"“ Moralist: to assess the poem according to religious convictions, tolerance and social justice âÅ"“ Cognitive scientific: relate poems to brain functioning, but it’s an approach that is still in its infancy. 4- Practical Analysis to Shelley’s Ode to the West Wind and Keats’s Ode to a Nightingale in fact in spite of all the complexities of criticism it opens doors to suspect different levels of meaning and significance and if we arte drifted towards confusion out of the many schools of criticism we are as well lucky to have them but selection of which approach to adopt should be made precise and practical and out of my experience in teaching poetry and sometimes writing it. I infer that being eclectic is is the best approach that may serve in a  good way analysis of poems by incorporating several approaches in one article to better approach the poem for the sake of evidence, that can never be easy without truth evidence transmitted in a beautiful performance Bibliograghy 1- Matthew Arnold. The Function of Criticism at the Present Time, Essays in Criticism. London and Cambridge: Macmillan and Co., 1865. Pp. 1-41. 2- C.Gillie. Movements in English Literature 1900-1940, Great Britain: CUP, 1978 3- G.Strickland, Structuralism or criticism, New York: CUP 1985 4- R.Wellek/A.Warren, Theory of Literature, Great Britain, 1978. 5- William Wordsworth, Lyrical Ballads, with a Few Other Poems. London: Printed for J. and A. Arch, 1798. Web Library.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

History And Effects Of Pesticide Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay

Pesticides have been known to be for 1000s of old ages. Sulfur combustion was a method used in ancient Sumer every bit good as ancient Rome for killing insects ; the Romans were besides known to utilize salt to kill weed ( Wikipedia,2010 ) . In the 1400s, lead, quicksilver and arsenic were efficaciously used for this intent. Similarly, in 1600s, the job of emmets was tackled by the usage of a mixture of honey and arsenic. In the later of portion of the 1800s, US husbandmans used assorted arsenites every bit good as baccy derived functions to command plagues. The greatest enlargement in the pesticides was seen after World War II. Chemicals like DDT, aldrin, diedrin and 2,4 – Calciferol came into usage due to their low cost and high grade of efficaciousness ( Delaplane, 1996 ) . DDT took the bar as pass overing out major part of vectors responsible for typhus and malaria. Although being in being since the latter half of nineteenth century, its true potency was understood in 1939 . It was so successful that the discoverer Paul M & A ; uuml ; llen was awarded Nobel award in 1948 for his accomplishment. It was non until 1962 when the land interrupting book of Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, made a connexion between environment pollution, major wellness jeopardies and DDT. Carson ( 1962 ) argued that the chemicals like DDT are non merely toxic to the insects but to the birds and fish every bit good. It was proposed that this was because of a direct mechanism every bit good as an indirect mechanism.Pesticides use in US and EU:After a prohibition on DDT ‘s usage in the US, the enthusiasm was shifted to production of newer compounds which were safer and better than the conventional 1s and methods of harvest production that discouraged plagues. Integrated pest direction ( IPM ) was introduced like a multipronged scheme to concentrate on newer harvest production methods, increased growing of pest-specific marauders and timing of pesticide spray so that maximal h arm to the plagues could be incurred finally increasing the output ( Delaplane, 1996 ) . It is interesting to observe that the pesticide ingestion has increased dramatically over the last 50 old ages. As opposed to 2kg/ha in 2004, in 1961, it was merely 0.49kg/ha. In one estimation, France and US spray 35 % and 20 % of their entire surface country severally every twelvemonth (, 2010 ) . In malice of holding really powerful newer agents, the figures keep on lifting. Europe represents about one tierce of the universe pesticide market portion standing at 30 billion dollars a twelvemonth. North America and Asia constitute a one-fourth each. US is the taking consumer of the pesticide industry with a figure of 2.5kg/ha. Europe consumes 3kg /ha, while India is at merely 0.5kg/ha. In a study by PAN Europe ( 2007 ) , it was stated that the pesticide ingestion was on the rise despite newer agents that act at a lower dosage. This shows that the pest control is still dependent o n the usage of these merchandises.Pesticides use in United kingdom:It has to be mentioned that in UK the pesticides ‘ usage is controlled by the ( CRD ) .The board of directors controls chemicals ‘ usage where listed under REACH statute law which consist a portion of Europe ‘s statute law where came in force in June of 2007and is responsible for the chemicals ‘ rating, enrollment, limitation and mandate such as guaranting that the companies produce and at the same clip conveyance chemicals under a responsible and safe manner. Furthermore it ensures that the people give a high attending for the protection of the environment by any possible chemical ‘s effects. The CRD is the chief responsible for pesticides ‘ usage limitation in UK.Pesticides and their application:The large inquiry is why they are used†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ ? ? Harmonizing to a study, about one tierce of the agribusiness production is destroyed with the brunt faced by developing states bec ause of plagues. This amounts to a humongous 300 billion dollar one-year losingss with an mean output loss runing from 30 to 40 % ( Plucknett and Kagbo, 2010 ) . So to be faced that job at that place has been appeared particularly the last decennaries a expand usage of pesticides in agricultural industry. Pesticides are used to disrupt onslaughts of snails, animate beings, bullets and snails while at the same clip for the protection of public wellness killing animate beings like mosquitoes, mice and rats. More than 1600 types of different pesticides are listed in the Compendium of Pesticide Common Names. These are classified harmonizing to their country of action such as Herbicides, Insecticides and Nematicides. Other major classs include Acaricides, Antimicrobials, Attractants, Avicides, Fungicide, Molluscicides, Predacides, and Rodenticides ( Wood, 2010 ) . The WHO Recommended Classification of Pesticides by Hazard and Guidelines to Classification 2009, divides these chemical comp ounds into Class Ia compounds, which are highly unsafe, Class Ib as extremely unsafe, Class II as reasonably unsafe, Class III as somewhat unsafe and Class U as improbable to be acutely unsafe based on LD50 for the mice.Mode of pesticides ‘ action:An of import fact worth adverting is that since there are a immense assortment of merchandises available for different types of plagues, likewise there is besides a enormous variableness in the mechanism of action of these pesticides. One chemical may move at one or more critical cellular tract of the plague. Harmonizing to Hayes ‘ Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology ( 2010, pp. 106 – 117 ) , this can be explained for a class of a chemical. Insecticides, Nematicides and Acaricides act as Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors or agonists. Some of them besides block glutamate gated chloride channels and mitochondrial composites. A assortment of them are ryanodine receptor modulators. Pyrethrum derived functions such as pyrethrins and pyrethroids that act on Na channels are speedy in action. Rodenticides may either organize an acute toxin such as phosphine in the tummy of the gnawer or cause hypercalcaemia. Examples include zinc phosphide and bromethalin. Warfarin may exercise an anti-coagulant consequence, therefore the animate being to spontaneously shed blood boulder clay it dies. Herbicides mark works specific mechanisms. They act on photosystems thereby interrupting the respiration of the weed. They besides block amino acid and fatty acerb synthesis and can besides do cell membrane break. Molluscicides disrupt cellular respiration of snails and bullets. Phasmohabditis hermaphrodita ; a infective roundworm, is a biological molluscicide.Behaviour and destiny of pesticides:Pesticides, when applied are either adsorbed, may be transferred to some other location or degraded into non-active constituents depending on the type of pesticide. Adsorption is a procedure by which these chemicals straight bind to the dirt atoms. Transportation is the phenomenon by which these compounds are dispersed off from the application site. Harmonizing to Nebguide ( 1993 ) , soaking up, harvest remotion, leaching, spray impetus and run off. Micro-organisms and workss uptake these compounds by soaking up. Mechanisms like volatilization and run off are of import as they distribute the pesticides to other location to eliminate the plagues but this is non ever the instance as it is besides one of the grounds of environmental pollution. Similarly, spray impetus causes these chemicals to be dispersed to other location at the clip of application. Leaching is dependent on the water-solubility of the pesticide and can either be downwards, upwards or sideways. Degradation takes topographic point either by, microbic action, Sun visible radiation or photodegradation or by a chemical reaction ( Nebguide,1993 ) .Pesticides in surface and land Waterss:In a survey by McBride ( 1989 ) , it has been postulated that H2O â₠¬Ëœs taint hazard is determined by features of the pesticide used, the features of dirt and the H2O volume ; A chemical with high H2O solubility, low dirt surface assimilation, high continuity applied on a coarse and low organic affair dirt with shallow land H2O and frequent irrigations has a high hazard of polluting H2O beginning. In an article by PAN Europe ( 2010 ) , Belgium, France, Netherlands and UK have highest pesticide taint in lowland river countries ; the one-year cost in cleaning up the H2O resource is around 170 million euros in UK yearly with a portion of this load go throughing on to the consumer.Practical solutions for pesticide pollution:Several techniques can be used to minimise the pesticide pollution. Integrated pest direction ( IPM ) is an first-class manner to get down with. It involves a holistic attack of choosing immune works species, cultivation and reconnoitering to minimise the chemical use. There should be repeated cheques on the harvests to mensurate th e pest population before a pesticide onslaught could be ensued. Crop rotary motion methods should be employed to deter the harmful beings. Educational plans should be encouraged so that all the persons involved in the procedure know precisely what they are making. This can be done by strong media runs backed by pertinent statute law. Research into biological and other non-chemical pesticides should be sought for. Pesticide choice should be appropriate and after usage disposal harmonizing to recommended manner. Tanks and reservoirs should ne'er be filled with pesticides while being close to a H2O reservoir to avoid taint. Preferably, a H2O beginning should be covered to forestall pollution. Detailed conditions prognosis should be taken into history before spraying to minimise run off and spray impetus. The equipment used should be in tip top form so that there are no leaks and droplet size is appropriate.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A Man for all Seasons Essay

A Man for all Seasons Essay A Man for all Seasons Essay Summary of the movie A Man for all Seasons: In the vision of the poet, the 1530s London is as good as any backdrop against which to pose a question with regards to the love of God, as well as, the nature of Law, the honor demands. Questions that are posed appropriately at the human reasoning, since they cover at every human spirit season in unraveling the mysteries that they are occasionally entrapped in. The conflict amid Sir Thomas More and King Henry VIII depicts a larger conflict of the times. More in the Play stands for the Civil law, whilst King Henry VIII on the other hands stands and represents the monarchical power. First of all Thomas More asserts and explains that there is the existence of the divine law, and compared to the Man’s law, it is to a greater extent more powerful, but it is rather mysterious and is not known by any individual. Even though, Thomas More stands for the church law, he does not claim power and authority with regards to those particular issues. In Act One, More asserts that he is not God. He is cognizant of the limits to the knowledge, as well as, power of the individual, comprising the King. A king who cannot put himself at will above the church laws, or the land law to which he has authority over and rules. Over the centuries, Civil law has been availed and established so that it might facilitate an individual to live with regards to the conscience provided with the verity that he avails no harms, as well as, that he can walk safely through a life protected from the misuse of power by others. The laws of the king in the play are indicated and portrayed to be arbitrary, and they are founded on his own personal desires, and not based on the larger good. Robert Bolt in his preface addresses King Henry as a monstrous baby who wants things to be done through his way, which is violent notwithstanding the cost. The religion laws (like to killing another person), as well as, the civil law (like the evidence that is required for crime accusation) are rather more objective, in most case fairly to every populace, and they are over time tested. The laws are also reasonable and ethical. In case the civil laws are deeming to be unfair, then the congress or the parliament can amend it. On the other hand, Henry firmly insists on the absolute power hat has no power checks. He takes over both the state and he church and anyone who stands by his way get executed. His decisions are not based on virtue or reason; rather they are founded on his own personal will. The position articulated by Sir Thomas More is that of a future (the civil rights), and King Henry makes use of his traditional decree and authority in ruling rather than making use of the law or consensus, though both embrace the newly formed humanistic learning which taught the reason primacy. More is accused by Roper that the laws are his own good. However, more denies this and affirms that all the individual siding by king anticipates that they shall be saved are ultimately through his insatiable power cut down. More occasionally would rouse his fellow countrymen in defending the law which avails them to them safety, and also avails to them the basic rights and freedom. Feel free to buy a custom essay on this movie at . All essays are written by professional paper writers. Timely delivery and high quality guaranteed.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Stunned, Astounded and Astonished

Stunned, Astounded and Astonished Stunned, Astounded and Astonished Stunned, Astounded and Astonished By Maeve Maddox stun: c.1300, to daze or render unconscious (from a blow, powerful emotion, etc.), probably aphetic of O.Fr. estoner to stun astound: 1600, from M.E. astouned, astoned (c.1300), pp. of astonien to stun astonish: 1340, astonien, from O.Fr. estoner to stun, from V.L. *extonare, from L. ex- out + tonare to thunder; so, lit. to leave someone thunderstruck. Although all three words derive from the same source, each has a different connotation in English. Stun seems to carry the strongest emotional punch, perhaps because it has only one syllable, but also because it has a literal meaning. The other two words are always used figuratively. (I’ve never seen the word â€Å"astonish† used to describe the effect of a literal lightning strike.) Astound and astonish suggest amazement, but the surprise engendered is not necessarily accompanied by the emotional pain suggested by the word stun. He was astounded by the bureaucrats stupidity. They were astonished by the magicians illusions. He was stunned by the unexpected death of his wife. The following headlines and captions from the web got me thinking about these words: Tendulkar stunned at his wax likeness Israel stunned at US firmness on freezing settlements Richard Dreyfuss Stunned at Natashas Accident Twilights Lefevre stunned at loss of role Crowds Stunned at Jacksons Death What first caught my attention was the use of the preposition â€Å"at† after stun instead of the usual â€Å"by.† The use of â€Å"at† instead of â€Å"by† has the effect of distancing the emotion. The metaphor is one of being hit over the head. One isn’t â€Å"stunned at a hammer,† but â€Å"stunned by a hammer.† One is stunned by bad news, not â€Å"at† it. My second observation was that in at least two of the headlines, either astounded or astonished would have been the more appropriate choice. As a general rule, I’d save the word stun for a truly tragic context and use astound and astonish to convey extreme surprise. As for the use of stunning in inappropriate contexts, here’s what David Auburn has to say in the Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus (p. 861): stunning is probably the most overused synonym for â€Å"very good,† especially in movie ads and book blurbs . . . Use of the word in this context has become not only an empty clichà ©, but also annoyingly counterintuitive: wouldn’t you be more likely to feel stunned by something bad than by something good? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Format a US Business LetterExpanded and ExtendedThrew and Through

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Summer Olympic Games in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Summer Olympic Games in China - Essay Example to boycott the Olympic opening ceremonies. The Chinese constitution was drafted in 1921 and included no references to religion. This was part of the beginning of China's move toward communism and atheism. With Mao Tse Tung's Red Book and Cultural Revolution came the persecution of anything associated with religion. During the Cultural Revolution more than 6000 monasteries were destroyed (Time For Kids, p1). For all intensive purposes the political leadership took the place of religion and religious leadership. Recently the Chinese politicians have revised their constitution to include the word "religion" for the first time since 1921 (America, p6(1)). In addition the politicians included key wording that opened up the possibility of religious observance within China: "The Party strives to fully implement its basic principals for its work related to religious affairs and rallies religious believers in making contributions to economic and social development" (America, p6(1)). The Chinese Communist Party leaders have also been quoted as saying that "religion can play a role in creating a "harmonious society", a term they associated with economic growth and social cohesion" (The Christian Century, P19(1)). As stated above, a religion can be practiced if it "rallies religious believers in making contributions to economic and social development". In essence, if your church contributes to the social welfare of the community than it will be approved by the Religious Affairs Bureau (RAB). Why the Change For many Chinese, daily life consists of a meager existence. It is better than forty years ago when many Chinese were starving. Many social programs do not meet the needs of the many rural Chinese. Many rural Chinese turn to religious organizations within their villages to fund social programs such as schooling and health care. Because of the great need, and the Chinese Communists Party's inability to meet the need, the Party is turning a "blind eye' to the religious organizations in rural villages (The Economist, p25). In one village they worship the Black Dragon. Their temple has been rebuilt (it was destroyed by Maoists) and children are encouraged to work hard in the name of the "Black Dragon". The village services are supplemented by funds from the Black Dragon Temple. The Chinese Communist Party has turned a blind eye to the Black Dragon Temple because it does support social services needed by the community that the government cannot afford to provide. The "officials in Yulin, the prefecture to which Hongliutan (the village) belongs, give the Temple their blessing" (The Economist, p25(3)). Religions Currently, in atheist China, there exists many religions that are practiced. Some who practiced go unnoticed by the Chinese government while others are persecuted. Harmony is used as a determinant as to whether or not a religion is tolerated. If the religion brings social support, like in Hongliutan, then it is allowed (or not noticed). Aproximately 59% of the Chinese population are atheists while the 41% left worship as Taoists, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Dongbaists, Bons, Xiantianists, and Falun

Friday, November 1, 2019

Introduction to Africa American Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Introduction to Africa American Art - Essay Example The Mende people are among the largest ethnic community in Sierra Leone. They belong to a large group of people living throughout West Africa. The Main economic activity of the Mende people is farming and hunting. On the other hand, the Bamana people are based in Mali. The Bamana speakers are also known as the Bambara. The Bambara are members of the Mande culture; a large and a powerful group of people in Western Africa. Just like the Mende people, the main economic activity of the Bamana people is farming and hunting (Beneke, Mekler and Museum 45). Ceremonial dances and rituals are essential features of the tradition of both the Mende people and the Bamana people. Depending on the nature of and the location of the dance, men, and women wear different consumes and masks. For instance, the Mende people have the Sowei mask that is worn by members of the Bundu secret society or the Sande community. Women wear this mask during public ceremonies such as weddings, thanksgiving ceremonies among others (Middleton 59). The Bamana people use their ceremony and rituals in marking the passage of rites, during weddings as well as in burial ceremonies. During their dances, the performers or the dancers mask themselves using the â€Å"tyi wara† an antelope dance crest. The â€Å"tyi were† male dance crest is one of the most commonly used costumes in ceremonial activities such as weddings and other ritual activities (Kwekudee) Currently , some Bamana adhere to Muslim as their main religion but a great part of them still practise their traditional rituals ;in particular honoring their ancestors . Conversely , the Mande share many facets of the wider Bamana culture including restricting their women from wearing a veil during ceremonies . Virtually, the Mande culture is recognized for its established soroties and fraternal orders (Kwekudee). Ultimately, the Mande dancing culture is one of the most popular dances in Africa and outside Africa. Specific rhythms